A Night at the Theater for “Sheltered” by Alix Sobler

A Night at the Theater for "Sheltered" by Alix Sobler

6:45 pm. Jan. 30, 2020 Theater J in the Edlavitch DCJCC

Thank you for inquiring about tickets for the January 30 performance of Sheltered at Theater J. The RSVP site is now closed. If you have any questions or special requests, please contact The Defiant Requiem Foundation office at 202-244-0220.

The Defiant Requiem Foundation
is honored to host

A Night at the Theater

Please Join Board Members and Event Co-Chairs

Marion Ein Lewin and Evelyn Sandground

for a Performance of

“Sheltered” by Alix Sobler

Theater J in the Edlavitch DCJCC
1529 16th Street, NW | Washington, DC

Thursday, January 30, 2020

6:45 pm | Hors D’oeuvres Reception
Kay Community Hall in the DC JCC

8:00 pm | Performance


Post-performance discussion with
Adam Immerwahr, Artistic Director of Theater J and director of Sheltered and
Stuart E. Eizenstat, Board Chair, The Defiant Requiem Foundation

The Defiant Requiem Foundation has reserved a limited block of tickets
for the performance. Tickets are $100 per person and include the reception,
performance and discussion.

It is 1939, and Hitler’s assault on Europe has begun. Though much of the
world has turned its back on the Jews of Europe, Evelyn and Leonard Kirsch
suspect that the menace is real. This ordinary American couple makes a bold
decision that could save the lives of many Jewish children and change the
course of history. But first, they must convince their estranged friends to
help. What begins as a night of cocktails and conversation becomes a tense
negotiation of politics, morality, and survival – and the stakes are life and death.
A suspenseful story that will bring you to the edge of your seat. Featuring
McLean Fletcher, Kimberly Gilbert, David Schlumpf, Alexander Strain and Erin Weaver.

For more information or special requests,
please call the Foundation office at 202-244-0220.

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Watch recordings of past Defiant Requiem programs featuring Holocaust scholars, writers, and educators including Daniel Mendelsohn, Daniel Greene, and Michael Berenbaum, among others.Watch Recordings Here