Schächter Institute

SCH: Schächter Fellows group photo at gate

Members of the 2015 class of Schächter Fellows and others stop for a photo under a gate in the Small Fortress, Terezín.  The translation of the inscription over the gate is “Work will make you free.”  (Photo credit: Petra Pěničková)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Schächter Fellows group photo at gate|

SCH: Fellows group Kafka monument

From left, Board Member Nina Glasner, Institute Liaison Janet Masetti, members of the 2015 class of Schächter Fellows, and actor Jane Arnfield pose for a photo by the Franz Kafka Monument in Prague. (Photo credit: Sol Glasner)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Fellows group Kafka monument|

SCH: Fellows visit cemetery

Schächter Fellows visit the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague as part of the 2015 Rafael Schächter Institute for Arts and Humanities. (Photo credit: Sol Glasner)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Fellows visit cemetery|

SCH: Pěničková speaks to Fellows

Guide and friend of the Foundation, Petra Pěničková, speaks to the 2015 Schächter Fellows in the First Yard of the Small Fortress, Terezín. (Photo credit: Sol Glasner)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Pěničková speaks to Fellows|

SCH: Fellows watch Terezín Commemoration Ceremony

Members of the 2015 class of Schächter Fellows watch the May 17, 2015 Terezín Commemoration Ceremony at the National Cemetery outside the Small Fortress. The Ceremony is an annual event to commemorate the victims of Nazi persecution. (Photo credit: Sol Glasner)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Fellows watch Terezín Commemoration Ceremony|

SCH: Monument of Children

The Monument of Children at the Lidice Memorial. A tour of the Memorial was included as part of the 2013 and 2015 Schächter Institutes. (Photo credit: Sol Glasner)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Monument of Children|

SCH: Glasners

Foundation Board Member Nina Glasner and her husband, Sol, attend the tour “Gideon Klein’s Prague” as part of the 2015 Schächter Institute. (Photo Credit: Mark Rulison)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Glasners|

SCH: Town Square

Terezín Town Square (Photo credit: Rodinger Photo)

By |January 28th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Town Square|

SCH: Eizenstat at roundtable

Board Chair Stuart E. Eizenstat speaks during a roundtable discussion entitled Lessons from Terezín in Shaping 21st Century Diplomacy presented as part of the 2011 Rafael Schächter Institute for Arts and Humanities. Photo credit: Rodinger Photo

By |January 27th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Eizenstat at roundtable|

SCH: Church at Town Square

The Church in Terezín Town Square, site of the of Beethoven Symphony No. 9 performance during the 2011 Rafael Schächter Institute for Arts and Humanities. (Photo credit: Rodinger Photo)

By |January 27th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Church at Town Square|

SCH: Sidlin leads performance of Beethoven

Maestro Murry Sidlin leads the orchestra and chorus in a performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 during the 2011 Rafael Schächter Institute for Arts and Humanities at Terezín. (Photo credit: Rodinger Photo)

By |January 27th, 2016||Comments Off on SCH: Sidlin leads performance of Beethoven|

SCH: Cabaret cast members

Cast members Elise Langer, Ryan Lindberg, and Skyler Nowinski, from Step in Time Theater, present the world premiere of Why We Laugh: A Terezín Cabaret in the Attic Theatre of the Magdeburg Barracks on June 15, 2011, as part of The Rafael Schächter Institute for Arts and Humanities at Terezín. (Photo credit: Rodinger Photo)

By |October 26th, 2015||Comments Off on SCH: Cabaret cast members|

SCH: Cabaret cast members

Cast members Julie Kurtz and Elise Langer, from Step in Time Theater, present the world premiere of Why We Laugh: A Terezín Cabaret in the Attic Theatre of the Magdeburg Barracks on June 15, 2011, as part of The Rafael Schächter Institute for Arts and Humanities at Terezín. (Photo credit: Rodinger Photo)

By |October 26th, 2015||Comments Off on SCH: Cabaret cast members|
From June 23-27, 2024, The Defiant Requiem Foundation hosted its third summer seminar, featuring Daniel Mendelsohn, Daniel Greene, Michael Berenbaum, and other outstanding Holocaust scholars and educators.Watch Recordings Here