Introducing ‘Survivor Profiles’ on the Defiant Requiem Website
The newest addition to our interactive website is a section called Survivor Profiles which highlights the personal journeys of Holocaust Survivors who have shared their stories with us. Read about Edgar Krasa’s years in Terezín as Rafael Schächter’s friend and bunkmate, his deportation to Auschwitz and his harrowing escape from a Nazi
death march; or about Pedro Seidemann, a Foundation Board Member, who was a young teenager when members of the International Red Cross came to visit and evaluate Terezín in 1944. Soon we will be adding another Survivor – Marianka May – who vividly remembers singing the Verdi as a member of Schächter’s chorus.
Each story is accompanied by photos, putting faces to these names and stories. In the coming months, additional profiles will be added as we honor the people whose perseverance and courage continue to inspire us every day.